The important things you need to know!!
Age verification:
Before payment online you will be asked to verify your age. We partner with OneID® to verify your age with your bank as this is the most secure, convenient and fastest way for you to do so. The only information that will be verified is to check you are over 18.
No personal data or DOB is disclosed to us.
If you have had an account opened in store, you will not need to do this as you would have been verified by a staff member.
Click & Collect:
This service is only available during store opening times and we aim to get your order ready in 10 minutes. You will receive a email to say when its ready to collect
You will need to bring I.D to collect your order, Only the purchaser can collect the order. We will not release your order until valid I.D is shown.
IF you are buying shortfills and you wish for them to be pre mixed with your 1 free nic shot before collection, please tell us by adding a note at checkout and we will happily get them ready for you. Any additional nic shots needed, please see in store.
Product Availability
Both our stores are linked in live real time to this website and show the product availability. If your favourite product is unavailable, please chose a different product or check back soon as we have stock arriving daily.
Orders placed for delivery before 6pm will be dispatched the next working day by Royal Mail 24. So please allow two working days for delivery. Orders over £30 will be free delivery, orders under £30 will be charged £3.99
Account loyalty:
Account holders will gain loyalty rewards online on their purchases as they do in-store. You will be able to redeem your points at checkout only against eligible products that are in your basket.
Click here to for loyalty information
Existing Account holders login:
If you have an account that was opened in-store and you have not finalised your account to see your loyalty points, go to account login then click 'forgotten Password' and enter the email address you registered in-store.
You will be sent a email to that registered address, then you can set a password for your account and update your details.
Then you are ready to see your loyalty points, order online for click & collect and delivery. As you joined in-store you wont need to go through the age verification process.